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Dec 01, 2022 /K18 FUNdamentals, products + routines
FUNdamentals #25 - final recap
You know what's FUN-damental? When your product works. So we spent the last year breaking down key info + recommendations to help you get the most out of K18. In case you missed any of the tips or insights we covered this year, we made you a recap roundup ;)

FUNdamentals 02: masks + conditioners vs. K18

This is where we broke down the difference between our molecular repair mask, and our doppelgängers: the traditional mask and conditioner. 

We’re the world’s first patented biotech treatment, so we work a little differently than a traditional mask or conditioner. Think holistic hair health on a deeper level—not just “healthy looking” or “healthy feeling” hair on the surface level. Our mask is an after-shower treatment you’ll apply to towel-dried, damp hair, and leave in after the 4-minute wait time. Yep, it’s that easy. 

FUNdamentals #25 - final recap

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FUNdamentals 06: why are there alcohols in K18?

Here we gave you an ingredient crash course on the alcohols in our mask formula. 

The outside layer of your hair, the cuticle, acts as a barrier between the inside of your hair + the outside environment. Our trio of 3 alcohols swells the hair cuticle so the K18PEPTIDE™ can penetrate and work on a deeper level. Benzyl alcohol + isopropyl alcohol also help to preserve and improve the feel of our mask for next-level damage repair—without the worry of them drying your hair out.

FUNdamentals #25 - final recap

Get all the deets here.

FUNdamentals 10: the PRO service vs. K18 mask

In this story, we explored our PRO-exclusive biotech lineup and how it plays into any healthy hair journey.

We engineered the PRO service (PRO mist + mask) to address damage at every step in the salon. Typically used pre-service, the PRO mist’s pH level of 7.58.0 swells the hair’s cuticle layer to deliver the K18PEPTIDE™ to damage sites on the molecular level. The PRO mask’s pH of 5.06.0 seals in our peptide to reverse in-salon damage in just 4 minutes. Since damage is ongoing, the at-home mask repairs daily damage for a healthy hair base at the next salon appointment. 

FUNdamentals #25 - final recap

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FUNdamentals 14: protein overload

Here we explained how our peptide-powered mask formula avoids overproteinization.

Proteins are biological molecules that make up hair’s structure—these are responsible for its core strength + elasticity. The bad rap on overproteinization comes from brittle breakage caused by buildup. Our biomimetic K18PEPTIDE™ is just the right size, sequence, and molecular structure to penetrate the hair cuticle and reach damage sites in the inner-most layers of hair—so we avoid buildup in the wrong areas.

FUNdamentals #25 - final recap

Get all the deets here.

FUNdamentals 19: our detox removes metals too, here’s why…

This story uncovers why removing metals was a must for our detox shampoo formula.

We engineered an optimized detox shampoo formula that tackles more kinds of buildup (not just from products) for cleaner, healthier hair. Trace metals like copper are also forms of buildup, leaving your hair dull, damaged, and even green. Just one wash of our detox shampoo removes 76% copper (and 99% product buildup + 95% sebum)* on hair, preventing reactive damage for more even, vibrant color + healthier hair. 

*results observed on bleached hair tress after 1 wash with detox shampoo

Get all the deets here.

FUNdamentals 21: our shampoos are color-safe, here’s how…

Here we tackled why your hair color fades, and how to keep it vibrant with pH-optimized shampoos.

The tap water you wash with + its typically higher pH (6.5–9.5 vs. hair’s optimal pH of 4.5–5.5) causes your hair cuticle to swell, leading to faster color fading and possible hair damage. Unlike traditional shampoos, our pH-optimized shampoos were formulated with hair’s optimal pH in mind. This minimizes cuticle swelling to help keep your color intact + vibrant without leaving dulling buildup behind.

FUNdamentals #25 - final recap

Get all the deets here.

Now you got all the facts to confidently add K18 to your routine (and chat all about it). Thanks for joining us for our first year of FUNdamentals—hope you had fun breaking the haircare rules with us.

We’ll be back in the new year with even more—see ya in 2023!

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