As we celebrated this year’s World Oceans Day on June 8th, we wanted to empower our community to help turn the tide on plastic pollution.
Every K18 purchase helps us stop ocean plastic in collaboration with Plastic Bank. So far, with your help, we’ve prevented the equivalent of 25.3 million single-use plastic bottles from reaching the ocean, enabling the well-being of our planet and the communities working to end poverty and plastic pollution.
Here are some quick facts about ocean plastic:
~80 percent of all debris found in the ocean is plastic
~11 billion kilograms of plastic waste enter the ocean every year + can grow by 3x over the next 20 years
~75-199 billion kilograms of plastic waste is estimated to be swimming in oceans
ocean plastic kills 1 million seabirds annually + 100,000 marine animals from ingestion and entanglement
humans ingest >53,000 microplastic particles annually by consuming seafood (estimated)
why is the ocean so important?
The ocean is more than a place to lounge and swim on sunny beach vacations. This ecological space serves a vital role in the Earth’s systems, impacting many aspects of our planet and its inhabitants.
Here are just a few of the ways the ocean impacts you + the planet:
climate regulation: The ocean stores large amounts of solar energy and distributes it through ocean currents, which influence weather patterns and moderate temperatures. Changes in ocean temperatures and currents can lead to shifts in rainfall, sea levels, and extreme weather events.
weather and atmospheric interactions: Evaporation from the ocean’s surface contributes to cloud formation and precipitation. The release of heat and moisture into the atmosphere fuels weather systems and impacts weather patterns.
oxygen production and carbon cycling
Marine plants—especially phytoplankton—generate approximately 50 percent of the world’s oxygen through photosynthesis while absorbing carbon dioxide, which regulates the Earth’s atmospheric composition and mitigates climate change.
biodiversity and food security: The ocean provides habitats for marine organisms, including fish, shellfish, and coral reefs, which are essential for food security, livelihood, and cultural practices of billions of people.
economic and trade connections: Shipping routes, supported by the ocean’s network of waterways, enable the transportation of goods, resources, and energy supplies between nations. The sea also supports industries like fishing, tourism, renewable energy generation, and the extraction of natural resources which fuels global economies.
how you can help
Sustainability starts at home. The products you buy and brands you support make a huge difference. Every K18 purchase helps stop ocean plastic since we are committed to being plastic net-zero through Plastic Bank—but there are small daily actions that make a big impact on the planet.

Let’s work together for our oceans and planet.