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rizado convos 02: brendnetta ashley

Celebrar los rizos y las espirales se ve diferente para todos, por lo que recurrimos a todo tipo de expertos en rizos para que comprendan cómo liberan el cabello rizado y en espiral.

Hoy estamos charlando con la estilista PRO, Brendenetta Ashley . Su experiencia en mantener el cabello hidratado y vitalizado la lleva del salón al set de sesiones de fotos. Estamos encantados de que ella adopte hábitos saludables para el cabello que puedes usar en casa.

rizado convos 02: brendnetta ashley

Q. What is one thing you wish curly + coily clients knew and practiced at home?

That curly + coily hair does grow and can get long. It takes knowing and understanding your hair type and what your hair needs. Not every curly + coily hair type has the same hair routine. You have to find the hair routine that is best for your hair. 

Q. What is the most important maintenance tip you give your clients?

It’s so important to protect your curls + coils at night. Sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase, scarf, or bonnet is a step you can’t forget. This will maintain moisture in the hair. It also prevents friction from your hair rubbing against a rough pillow, which will dry your hair out causing breakage. It’s a maintenance step that must be done every night. 

Q: What are your top 3 dos for curls + coils?

  1. Make sure to have a maintenance routine. This will include shampoo, conditioner, and styling aids. 

  2. Do a hair repair treatment at least once a month. Yes, curly hair lacks moisture, but it also needs a strong structure to stay in the healthiest condition. 

  3. Always sleep with a silk or satin scarf, bonnet, and or pillowcase. This will keep the moisture locked into your hair.

Q: How about your top 3 don’ts?

  1. When detangling, don’t use a small tooth comb. Use a detangling comb or brush. Always begin at the ends and work up towards the scalp.

  2. Do not over-wash your hair. This will not only remove the moisture from products, but also your natural oils. This will cause your hair to be dry and dull, which will cause breakage. Once a week with a pH-optimized shampoo is a good rule of thumb.

  3. Don’t give up on your curls! It’s so important to have patience with your hair while discovering what works best for your curls. Most importantly, trust the process. 

Q.  How does a person know when their curls need some TLC?

When your hair begins to look dull and lifeless, that's a good indicator that your curls need some love. Also, if you notice your hair not retaining moisture, that’s a sign your hair needs some TLC. 

Q. What is your favorite way to make curls + coils pop?

I love a flexi rod set. It’s a great way to redefine your curls, and it’s a style that can be worn by all curl types. It’s a modern take on a roller set. 

Persistence and protection are key to helping you discover your best curls yet, according to Brendnetta.

x Alifia, Curly-Coily Expert + K18 Educator

Check back for more curly-coily chats, we’re going all the way.


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