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FUNdamentos 26 - ¿Qué es el K18PEPTIDE™?
¿Sabes lo que es FUNDAMENTAL ? Cuando su producto funciona. Desglosaremos información clave + recomendaciones para ayudarlo a aprovechar al máximo K18.

You’ve probably heard us mention the namesake peptide behind our biotech breakthroughs—and the healthiest transformations possible. Truth is, without the K18PEPTIDE™, we wouldn’t exist. But, what exactly is it? We’re so glad you asked. 

the future is bright, with biotech

Before we chat about the future of haircare, it’s important to understand where we came from. The history of haircare remained pretty much the same until recently. Traditional cosmetic chemistry was the hair world’s answer to damage. These were products that worked by covering up damage or improving the look + feel of hair on the outside instead of correcting the cause of damage on the inside.  And because these products don’t address the bigger problem (read: damage) much deeper in the hair, stylists + clients had to use A LOT of them.  

Instead of building our brand on the beliefs of the past, we used biotech to develop our formulas. With an understanding of hair’s biology—and what truly makes hair healthy + strong—we can deliver better results with less product, resources, energy, and waste.  

finding our peptide

With biotech on our side, we set out to find the missing link to true hair renewal. We tapped the experts—a team of European researchers led by noted biotechnologist, Prof Artur M. Cavaco-Paulo to make it happen. Like the human genome project—but for hair—we spent 10 years mapping the entire keratin genome (what makes up human hair) to find the one unique connector that would restore broken polypeptide chains (the things responsible for hair’s core strength + elasticity). After 10 years of scanning + testing every single amino acid sequence we found that one special sequence that perfectly restores hair for holistic renewal + lasting results. This, is our K18PEPTIDE™.   

our molecular breakthrough

And the thing that’s so cool about this peptide is that it’s biomimetic. Say it with us, bio-mim-et-ic. Which is a fancy way of saying it mimics hair’s biology, so it remains in the hair and won’t wash out. This is the key to how our molecular repair really changed things up in the hair industry. It works in a different way AND at a different place in the hair fiber than any other type of product or technology on the market. Not to brag, we’re just big on scientific breakthroughs.  

This is the key: true damage repair has to come from the inside out. At the inner-most layers of hair are the polypeptide chains which are responsible for hair’s core strength and elasticity. When we do things like bleach our hair or expose it to other harsh chemicals + heat, those chains break down and disconnect leaving clients with weakened, dull, lifeless hair.  

Our peptide can penetrate past the hair cuticle to reach these damage sites at the inner-most layers and reconnect the broken chains to renew strength + elasticity in just 4 minutes. And because we work at the molecular level, where all hair is identical, it truly works on every hair type and with every salon service.  

Another cool science side effect is because of that reconnection along the length of hair (at the polypeptide chain level), disulfide bonds are also reconnected along the width of hair. Disulfide bonds might sound familiar because that’s what bond builders address. So we’ve got you covered there AND along the length to reinforce strength at 2 critical points of hair.  

FUNdamentos 26 - ¿Qué es el K18PEPTIDE™?

So, how do you snag this K18PEPTIDE™? Our K18REPAIR™—made of the PRO mist + mask—was engineered to deliver our peptide to the innermost layers of your client’s hair. This biotech duo is clinically proven to reverse hair damage in just 4 minutes after bleach + color, chemical services, and heat, bringing your client’s hair back up to 91% virgin strength + 94% virgin elasticity*. Now you can unlock next-level expression without worrying about damage.  

P.S. Since damage is ongoing, send your client home with the leave-in molecular repair hair mask to keep their hair health going, so you can do more in their next appointment.  

See ya soon for more FUNdamentals. 

*Results observed in a clinical study while using mist and mask as part of a bleaching treatment. Results may vary depending on hair type, quality, and history. 


peptide-powered breakthroughs 

Mascarilla para el cabello de reparación molecular sin enjuague de tamaño completo
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Tamaño minorista de nuestro tratamiento sin enjuague de 4 minutos para revertir el daño del cabello
Pro Socios de distribución

Hair professionals can shop wholesale at the following distributors. Professionals within the US will also be able to shop directly from K18hair.com starting early 2021! Check back again soon for updates as we continue to expand globally.

Questions? Email us at hello@k18hair.com

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