¿Sabes lo que es FUN-damental? Cuando su producto funciona. Desglosaremos información clave + recomendaciones para ayudarlo a aprovechar al máximo K18.
There’s been a lot of talk about bond building over the last 10 years. So when we came onto the scene, people thought we were one. And while bond building crawled so we could walk, we don’t operate in the same way.
Let’s get into it.
hair strength where it matters
When hair gets damaged from chemical services or heat, you may see split ends, breakage, dryness, and dullness. What’s happening on the inside, beyond what you can see, is that the polypeptide (keratin) chains all the way in the inner-most layers are broken. Disulfide bonds (what bond building talks about) along the width of the hair fiber are also disturbed, but at a different part of the hair fiber. So when bond building gets to work temporarily patching broken disulfide bonds, it’s reinforcing strength horizontally or along the x-axis of hair but it’s ignoring the polypeptide (keratin) chains on the length of the hair fiber—where hair’s core strength + elasticity lies.
K18 molecular repair works in a different way, and in a different place in the hair fiber for holistic hair repair. It’s all in our patented K18PEPTIDE™, which is just the right size + structure to penetrate past the hair’s cuticle and target damage sites in the inner-most layers. Remember those polypeptide chains? Our peptide reconnects them along the length of hair to renew strength + elasticity in just 4 minutes. As a result, those disulfide bonds are also reconnected for holistic repair along the length AND width of hair. And by working at the molecular level, where all hair is the same, it’s engineered to work on every client’s hair type. So next time they go express themselves through bleach, heat, and styling, their hair can better withstand whatever services or styling they put it through.
How long we last is another big differentiator. Since our peptide is biomimetic, meaning it mimics hair keratin, it remains in hair without washing away for lasting results. Bond building products tend to rinse right out in the shower.
If you’re still stuck, let’s think about this another way. Hair’s inner structure is a ladder with rungs (disulfide bonds) and poles (polypeptide chains) to keep it strong and sturdy. When hair gets damaged, the ladder breaks in both the rungs and the poles. Bond building patches just the rungs, but the poles are still disconnected for an insecure structure—and damaged hair. K18 molecular repair uses our patented K18PEPTIDE™ to repair the rungs AND the poles—reinforcing holistic strength for stronger, healthier hair.
about those chains…
While bond building was great for its time, it only plays a supporting role in the story of healthy hair. Polypeptide chains are the star player, driving that strength + elasticity for effortless expression. So when we talk about holistic hair health, polypeptide chains have to be included in that convo, and molecular repair tackles these + other breaks for holistic reconnection and repair.
To recap:

See ya soon for more FUNdamentals.