¿Sabes lo que es divertido? Cuando su producto funciona. Desglosaremos información clave + recomendaciones para ayudarlo a aprovechar al máximo K18.
El cabello de su cliente pasa por MUCHO entre las visitas al salón. Piense en suciedad, aceites, acumulación de productos, lo que sea. No importa en qué estado se encuentre su cabello, diseñamos 2 champús seguros para el color para cada tipo de limpieza.
Pero… ¿qué tipo de limpieza necesitas en la cubeta del champú? ¿Con qué champú les envías a casa? Nos alegra que lo hayas preguntado. Aventúrese a través de este cuestionario de champú para encontrar la mejor limpieza de su cliente.

If you think your client has heavy buildup, it’s been a while since their last deep clean, or they’re ready to use the K18 mask at home, recommend the detox shampoo. This non-stripping lather removes any buildup holding back your creativity, and their hair happiness—like dirt, oils, product, and metals. Powered by active skincare-inspired ingredients like activated charcoal and salicylic acid, just 1 wash removes 99% product buildup, 95% sebum + 76% copper*. Woah.
Bonus: this clears the path for maximum damage repair with their K18 mask, so you can do more in their next appointment. We love a win-win.
If they shampoo more often or have little buildup, send your client home with the DAMAGE SHIELD pH protective shampoo. This certified microbiome-friendly formula removes dirt + oils without disturbing their scalp’s natural protective barrier. Powered by plant-derived surfactants that deliver the high foaming + cleansing power they love without the harshness or buildup they don’t. The result? Less frizz, and smoother, healthier hair. Nice.
Truth is, your client’s hair’s needs are constantly changing. So when it’s time to come clean at the shampoo bowl or at home, this quiz (and our pH-optimized shampoos) can deliver their cleanest, healthiest hair.
See ya soon for more FUNdamentals.
*results observed on bleached hair tress after 1 wash with detox shampoo.