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We C You 09 – Consejos profesionales para lavar el cabello rizado y en espiral

Abordar las rutinas de lavado de cabello con la experta profesional en rizado y rizado, Alfia

We C You 09 – Consejos profesionales para lavar el cabello rizado y en espiral

You’ve probably been told not to shampoo often, and I get why. The last thing we want is to dry out our curls + coils with stripping cleansers. But what if I told you the best way to hydrate your hair…is to clean it?


Let’s dive in.


curly–coily buildup

Buildup adds up, especially from styling and refreshing your curls + coils in-between wash days. Removing product buildup, oils, metals + minerals creates a clear path for the hair fiber to accept moisture. This reveals your natural texture and bounce when it’s no longer weighed down from all that heavy gunk. Plus, any products you put on top (like K18) and services you get in the salon work better on truly clean hair. Cool.


your wash routine

Your hair is uniquely yours, so there’s no one-size-fits-all answer for how often to wash. If you don’t know where to start, I recommend shampooing about 1–2x a week depending on your lifestyle and routine. You know your hair best, so look for these signs to know when your curls + coils are ready to come clean.


  • your hair is weighed down + flat on top
  • hair looks and feels frizzy, dull, and dry
  • your curl pattern is stretched
  • hair has less movement + definition


Now there’s a common misconception out there that you only shampoo your scalp, and the cleanser residue washes the ends. If you wash this way, you’ll miss all the buildup on the length of your hair—where we put a lot of product—leaving it dull, frizzy, and tangled. Curly–coily hair holds onto a lot, so we need a thorough cleanse to remove all that hidden buildup.


You know I got your back—here’s my step-by-step guide to properly washing your curls + coils.

We C You 09 – Consejos profesionales para lavar el cabello rizado y en espiral

Nice. So how do you know if your hair is clean enough? Or if you need another round of washing? If your curls + coils feel slippery like you applied conditioner, that means your shampoo left something behind. Give your hair another wash + rinse.


The goal is for hair to be left feeling:


  • easier to detangle: no buildup on the length of your hair
  • squeaky clean: your hair has more grip, less slip
  • bouncy: hair has more movement and volume
  • solid: curls + coils clump together: creating a more defined curl pattern


an optimized clean

If you’re still not getting that squeaky clean feeling, your shampoo might be the problem here. Many shampoos marketed to curly–coily customers are formulated with heavy conditioners. These leave hair slippery and easier to detangle but also leave buildup behind that blocks moisture from getting inside your hair. You want bouncy, hydrated curls + coils, so go for a shampoo that doesn’t leave buildup behind like K18’s PEPTIDE PREP™ detox shampoo + DAMAGE SHIELD pH protective shampoo. These no-filler formulas understand what your hair needs for a color-safe and pH-optimized clean. Now you can replenish while you wash for fewer tangles, and more defined, bouncy, and smooth curls + coils.   


If after a regular cleanse you’re still seeing and feeling the signs of dirty hair, it’s time to detox. It could be just the reset you need to remove stubborn residue! Just one wash of the PEPTIDE PREP™ detox shampoo gently but effectively removes 99% product buildup, 95% sebum + 76% copper* for your cleanest canvas. Thanks to this pH-optimized formula, your curls + coils won’t be over-stripped or easily tangled either. Even better, both shampoos are formulated with the K18PEPTIDE™ to keep your hair strong + nourished while you wash.


Now you have all the PRO secrets to getting truly clean hair. And I get it, unlearning and relearning in our routines and habits isn’t easy. It helps to keep in mind that shampooing allows for hydration penetration, and clean hair is healthy hair—making the perfect canvas for however you choose to express yourself. Then, you can always start fresh on your next wash day.


x Alifia, Curly-Coily Expert + K18 Educator


Check back for more curly-coily chats, we’re going all the way.


*results observed on bleached hair tress after 1 wash with detox shampoo


shop the story

Champú desintoxicante PEPTIDE PREP™
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
238 Reviews
Tamaño de la barra trasera de nuestro champú clarificante que no se pela y no daña el color formulado con K18PEPTIDE™
DAMAGE SHIELD pH protective shampoo
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
310 Reviews
Back bar size of our color-safe, protective shampoo to maintain hair health + strength
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